/ Matthew Young (Utah State): “Topological field theories from Gaiotto–Witten Lie superalgebras”

Matthew Young (Utah State): “Topological field theories from Gaiotto–Witten Lie superalgebras”

11:00 - 12:20
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Title: Topological field theories from Gaiotto–Witten Lie superalgebras

Abstract: The goal of this talk is to give an introductory account of a new class of non-semisimple topological field theories in three dimensions. These theories are defined using the representation theory of a Lie superalgebra constructed by Gaiotto and Witten from a symplectic representation of a torus and include homological truncations of various supergroup Chern-Simons theories and equivariant Rozansky–Witten theories. Based on work with Nik Garner and Nathan Geer.

Matthew’s homepage.