/ Tian Yang (Texas A&M): Quantum 6j-symbols and generalized hyperbolic tetrahedra

Tian Yang (Texas A&M): Quantum 6j-symbols and generalized hyperbolic tetrahedra

11:00 - 12:20
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Speaker: Tian Yang (Texas A&M)

Title: Quantum 6j-symbols and generalized hyperbolic tetrahedra

Abstract: The Volume Conjecture relates the asymptotic behavior of various quantum invariants of a 3-manifold with the geometric information of the manifold. In this talk I will recall the Turaev-Viro invariants and its corresponding Volume Conjecture. Most of the results in this talk will focus on the building blocks of the invariants–the quantum 6j-symbols. We observed that the geometric quantity underlying the asymptotic behavior of quantum 6j-symbols is the volume of a suitably generalized hyperbolic tetrahedra. This is a joint work with Giulio Belletti.