Fridays, 11:00-12:20 p.m. in DERR 333 and on ZOOM (info at bottom)
Date | Speaker | Title (with link to the flyer) |
Jan. 20 | Kate Poirer (New York City College ofTechnology) | Combinatorics in string topology |
Jan. 27 | David Snyder | Cell structure of the Figure-8 knot complement |
Feb. 3 |
Christine Ruey Shan Lee |
The Jones-Wenzl projector and the Khovanov homology of torus links (Part 1) |
Feb. 10 | Hiro Lee Tanaka | |
Feb. 17 | David Snyder | Applying the Hopf fibration as a means of robotic navigation of quadrotors |
Feb. 24 | David Snyder | (continued) |
Mar. 3 | Emily Riehl (Johns Hopkins Univ.) | Arrow induction and the dependent Yoneda lemma |
Mar. 10 |
Nestor Guillen |
Topology and the calculus of variations, Part 1 |
Mar. 24 | Cancelled | Texas Section of the MAA meeting |
Mar. 31 | Hiro Lee Tanaka | |
Apr. 7 |
Justin Curry (SUNY Albany) |
Exemplars of Sheaf Theory in Topological Data Analysis |
Apr. 14 |
Anton Dochtermann |
Apr. 21 |
Miriam Kuzbary (Georgia Tech) |
Apr. 28 |
Sean Corrigan |
Zoom Information
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Meeting ID: 977 0390 3382
Password: manifolds